Andrea’s Story

“I had pain in my lower back and legs for eight years. There was so much pain that there was no freedom – I was very restricted. I thought that this was going to be my life, at 48 years old, a life of pain. And I decided no, that’s not what I wanted. The Coflex® device offered me the flexibility that I really equate to freedom. My doctor recommended the Coflex® surgery because he said I was too young to have fusion, and that the Coflex® device would give me my mobility as well as the freedom to do things I normally did. Once the surgery was complete, I only stayed at the surgery center for an additional three hours. I was told that my recovery time would be three months, and believe it or not, in the first six weeks, I was up walking miles. My family members, mostly my kids, see me and they see the glow now and they say ‘Mom, this is really working for you!’ The Coflex® surgery has changed my life. I am happy, I am functional, I have flexibility, and I give all that thanks to the Coflex® device.”
Andrea’s story is like so many others. Check out some videos of our other patients below!
Zach, a general surgeon, tells his story on how the Coflex® procedure changed his life.
“I did everything I could non-operatively… non-pharmacologically… stretching… physical therapy – everything that I could think of to do to improve my symptoms.”
To learn more about Ken’s experience, watch this video:
“After my surgery I thought it was going to be a long process of recovery, within about 3 days I was up and walking around, within a week or so I was walking around the block a couple of times, within about 3 weeks I was able to walk without any problem whatsoever.”